Our showcase for our Pre-Dance Division students (ages 2.5 - 6) is a very exciting, yet comfortable experience for our youngest dancers. It is an optional performance opportunity for all dancers enrolled in the 2nd session. This on-stage production gives dancers the opportunity to showcase what they have learned in an informal stage setting. Dancers are provided with simple costumes and headpieces. Our Pre-Dance Classes pair with our North Shore Ballet Theatre to present the story of The Little Mermaid. These productions are fun and exciting for all; they will certainly put a smile on your face!
Please see below for 2023 Pre-Dance Showcase Details:
* Details subject to change as time goes on based on updated COVID-19 safety protocols *
Important Dates
Monday, March 6th
Costume Hand-out & Parent Observation
April 24th - May 5th
Dress Rehearsal
Friday, May 5th from 4:30- 6:45pm
Lake Forest Academy
Schedule Below
Saturday, May 6th
Show 1: 10:00am
Show 2: 12:00pm
Dress Rehearsals
Dress Rehearsal and Performance Location:
Lake Forest Academy
1500 W Kennedy Rd, Lake Forest, IL 60045
DRESS REHEARSALS- Friday, May 5th, 2023
Dress Rehearsal Schedule:
Please check your dancer's scheduled class time to find the show they will be in.
Show 1: 4:30pm- approx. 5:15pm
Show 2: 5:30pm- approx. 6:15pm

General Reminders
General Rehearsal / Performance Reminders:
Students should come dressed in their costume. Dressing rooms will not be open for changing at the theater. Bring ballet shoes, tap shoes, or hip hop shoes.
All hair must be pulled out of your child's face. Please put all long hair in a smooth bun or a ponytail. Dancers will be given a headband or clip headpiece at the theater.
Combination and Multiple classes: Your child should be dressed in their first costume. Send the other dance costumes and shoes in a bag with your child's name on everything. Teachers and assistants will assist with changing the students between dances.
Make-up is optional for dancers.
Last Minute Theatre Reminders:
No food or drink in the theater at any time.
Only one parent is permitted to come to the stage at pickup.
No flash photography in the theater, it can be dangerous to our dancers.
Video taping is available during the dress Rehearsal and Performance.
All parents and children must stay back from the stage and must not block the aisles while the show and rehearsals are in progress.